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Thule Luggage and Bags


Travel Bug Stock

Stock  Title  Item Brand Price
6 power shuttle medium Organier Thule 29.95
2 2 Powershuttle Plus electronics case THULE 34.95
2 Alltrail Hydration 16L faded khaki Backpack Thule 129.95
2 Subterra 2 Checked Spinner Dark Slate Luggage Thule 429.95
2 Crossover 2 Laptop Bag 15.6 THULE 269.95
1 Subterra 2 Carry on Spinner Dark Slate Luggage Thule 379.95
1 EnRoute Backpack 26L black Backpack Thule 130.00
1 Alltrail 18L pond gray Daypack Thule 79.95
1 Subterra 2 Checked Spinner Black Luggage Thule 429.95
1 Subterra 2 Carry on Spinner Black Luggage Thule 379.95
1 Crossover 2 Laptop Bag 13.3" black laptop THULE 179.95
1 EnRoute Backpack 26L mallard green Backpack Thule 130.00
1 EnRoute Backpack 23L pelican/vetiver Backpack Thule 110.00
1 Subterra 15.6 PC Laptop Bag laptop THULE 109.95
1 EnRoute backpack 23L Mallard Green Daypack 23 THULE 110.00
1 AllTrail X 15L hiking obsidian obsidian Backpack Thule 109.95
1 2 Power Shuttle Mini Packing Thule 24.95
1 Subterra 2 Checked 2 wheeled duffel 80L Dark Slate Luggage Thule 429.95
1 Chasm 40L duffel bag pond gray duffle 40 THULE 129.95
1 Chasm 90L duffel bag olivine duffle 90 THULE 179.95
1 Lithos Backpack 16L Black Daypack 16 Thule 69.95
1 Paramount Commute Backpack 18L olivine Backpack 18 Thule 149.95
1 Crossover 2 Boarding Bag black Thule 170.00
1 Subterra 2 Carry on Spinner Velvet Gray Luggage Thule 379.95
1 Nanum Backpack 25L black Backpack 25 Thule 132.00
1 Construct Laptop Backpack 28L Carbon Blue Backpack 28 Thule 149.95
1 Topio 30L Mens Backpacking Pack Black Backpack Thule 169.95
1 Chasm Backpack 26L Black Backpack 26 Thule 149.95
1 Nanum Backpack 18L black Backpack 18 Thule 110.00
1 Alltrail Hydration 16L pond gray Backpack Thule 129.95
Page1 of 2         30 items/page

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Art Tour of Florence

Ken Collins     
Saturday Sept 14, 2024

Without question, Florence ranks right at the top of the list of one of the great art cities of the world. This is especially noteworthy as its period of greatness - late Middle Ages through the late Renaissance - was relatively brief, just under 400 years. This contrasts with Rome, where virtually all periods of Western art and architecture are represented. But the period covered, 1250 - 1600 C.E. is filled with such a density of dazzling work as to be postiviely overwhelming. This program is based on a 2 1/2 week stay in Florence in November 2023, which was enough time - barely - to re-visit the best of the best of art during one of Europe 's most accomplished periods

Travel Bug
839 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501

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Current Hours:     Monday - Saturday  9-6      Sunday 12 - 4            Slide Shows typically Saturdays at 5pm