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Thule Luggage and Bags


Travel Bug Stock

Stock  Title  Item Brand Price
2 Subterra 2 Carry on Spinner Black Luggage Thule 379.95
2 2 Powershuttle Plus electronics case THULE 34.95
1 EnRoute Backpack 26L mallard green Backpack Thule 130.00
1 EnRoute Backpack 23L pelican/vetiver Backpack Thule 110.00
1 Crossover 2 Laptop Bag 15.6 THULE 269.95
1 EnRoute Backpack 26L pelican/vetiver Backpack Thule 130.00
1 Alltrail Hydration 16L faded khaki Backpack Thule 129.95
1 Subterra 2 Tote Bag Black Tote Bag Thule 149.95
1 Alltrail 18L pond gray Daypack Thule 79.95
1 Aion carry on spinner nutria Spinner Thule 349.95
1 Aion travel 40L black Backpack Thule 199.95
1 Aion travel 28L black Backpack Thule 189.95
1 Subterra 2 Tote Bag Vetiver Tote Bag Thule 149.95
1 Notus Backpack 20L Black Backpack Thule 69.95
1 Crossover 2 Laptop Bag 13.3" black laptop THULE 179.95
1 EnRoute backpack 23L Mallard Green Daypack 23 THULE 110.00
1 EnRoute Backpack 30L black Backpack Thule 150.00
1 Chasm 40L duffel bag pond gray duffle 40 THULE 129.95
1 Chasm 90L duffel bag olivine duffle 90 THULE 179.95
1 Lithos Backpack 16L Black Daypack 16 Thule 69.95
1 Subterra 2 Carry on Spinner Velvet Gray Luggage Thule 379.95
1 Nanum Backpack 25L black Backpack 25 Thule 132.00
1 Topio 30L Mens Backpacking Pack Black Backpack Thule 169.95
1 Chasm Backpack 26L Black Backpack 26 Thule 149.95
1 Subterra 2 Checked 2 wheeled duffel 80L Black Luggage Thule 429.95
1 Nanum Backpack 18L black Backpack 18 Thule 110.00
1 Alltrail Hydration 16L pond gray Backpack Thule 129.95
1 Subterra 2 Convertible Carry On Black Backpack Thule 249.95
1 Subterra 2 Travel Backpack 26L Black Backpack Thule 179.95
1 Subterra 2 Checked Spinner Black Luggage Thule 429.95
Page1 of 2         30 items/page

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Santa Fe Compendium
with John Self
Saturday Feb 8, 2025

Come explore Santa Fe. For tourists and natives, you 'll discover people, places, and things you probably didn 't know. We 'll cover art, architecture, places to see and things to do, humor, history, trivia, eating, drinking, literary, and even some strange connections in an informative and entertaining hour about the place we love.

Language Classes
Wine and Beer!

We offer Spanish and Italian and French conversational language classes in the store. Language class schedule
Travel Bug
839 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Current Hours:     Monday - Saturday  9-6      Sunday 12 - 4
Slide Shows typically Saturdays at 5pm    

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